Addressing of RCT treatments

Root canals have been subject to scientific studies, and there are concerns about the bacteria associated with them contributing to chronic diseases. The procedure aims to remove the infection from the centre of the tooth down to the root. However, the challenge is that bacteria often remain in the small tubules of the canal walls.

It is important to note that the field of dental medicine is constantly evolving, and there may be differing opinions and research findings on certain topics. While some individuals believe that root canals can be potentially toxic and associated with various diseases, it is essential to consider a comprehensive view of the available scientific evidence.


The first image to be taken to check the tooth is the PA small dental X-ray, the traditional 2d image. An OPG ( panoramic radiograph, 2D) provides and overall dental assessment and helps identify issues in and around the teeth. All the teeth are captured in one image and it’s the choice if you need an overview.

The gold standard in diagnostics is the 3d scan, it gives detailed view of the canals the bone around the tooth. we are able to identify sometimes even small cracks in the tooth itself. The inflammation that is often undiagnosed on the 2d becomes visible on the 3d. check also one post on instagram if you’re interested.



Studies presented at the World Laser conference in Barcelona show that 75% of all the teeth that are root canal treated still have pathological bacteria. 

Connections were made that this bacteria can cause focal infections and affect other parts of the body.   To determine whether your tooth might leak toxins we use a test from Germany/Switzerland called Orotox that helps determine if the tooth is affected by toxins.

Do I need a root canal?

It is important to understand what the options are available to you, to be able to make in informed decision.  We do our best to find the best possible treatment plan for each patient.  The reasons if and when it’s needed are very individual and it needs an examination to conclude those. Again you as the patient need to be able to make an informed decision.  

Did you hear about this?

When discussing the potential connection between root canals and overall health, there is a tooth-body chart called the "Tooth Meridian Chart" or "Tooth Organ Connection Chart." This chart outlines the concept that each tooth is related to specific organs or body systems. However, it is crucial to inform you that these charts are not universally accepted or recognized by the dental community as scientifically proven. Please see chart :

What are the alternatives?

The alternatives are:

We use the metal free system from SDS made from Zirconium oxide. 

Call us if you need to book an appointment and you want to discuss further

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